Healthy work - exercises

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and many hours spent at the desk should be a cause of concern for all of us. On top of this, we sometimes spend our leisure time passively, e.g. on the couch. You travel to work on a bus or by car, then you spend a number of hours on a chair in front of your PC and then you find the time to relax... in front of the TV. All of this is detrimental to our health and may cause minor and major health issues. Our body has been designed for movement. We cannot be creative and productive if we spend 8 hours in one position. Following the 50/25/25 model, during each hour you should only be sitting for 30 minutes, while for the other half-hour you should be standing up or moving around - 15 minutes of each. We have come up with a set of simple exercises you can do without even leaving your desk. Try it if you happen to spend long time in one position and you start feeling uncomfortable. The exercise will help you relax the muscle tension, get rid of stiffness and provide your brain with an extra dose of oxygen. Let’s move it!