Nowy Styl Group CSR Code 2016-2017 EN

THE DEGREE TO WHICH WE REALISED OUR PROMISES 80–100% 8 promises 0–49% 2 promises 50–79% 4 promises promises We have managed to completely or almost completely (80–100%) achieve nine of the fourteen promises we made. The remaining five promises are still being worked on. Summary of our promises The tasks we realised 80–100% Ethics / Corporate governance We will announce and implement the Nowy Styl Group Code of Ethics that will strengthen our operational and communication standards p Ethics / Corporate governance We will implement the Supplier Code of Conduct in all Nowy Styl Group’s subsidiaries – we will create an ethical assessment form for new suppliers and we will monitor our suppliers’ observance of the Code during periodical meetings and audits p HR We will create an onboarding program for those employed in Poland p HR In the Polish market we will implement Sports Cards for employees that will be financed by the company p HR In Poland we will continue the Management Staff Development Project and training courses for managers that are aimed at shaping leadership in the company p OHS In order to strengthen employees’ involvement in safety at our factories we will implement a program for reporting Potentially Accidental Events p Customers and products We will promote and develop competences in the field of innovative solutions concerning acoustics and low emission of VOCs p p Social engagement We will create a policy of social engagement and donations p Social engagement We will continue the Year of Music project p 4