
Do you know that more than 60% of employees are not happy with the level of noise in the office?

Although the walls are freshly painted and the equipment is brand new, the employees still can’t focus on their everyday duties. Why so?

Sounds are with us all the time – that’s how we communicate with our friends and family, with people at work, and with all the others. Intense and tiresome sounds are known as noise, which significantly reduces our focus and efficiency at work.

However, noise is something you can eliminate. There are a variety of sound-absorbing solutions, which can boost your comfort in the office space.

Noise is one of the greatest distractors in the office

  • 40%

    Loss of productivity among employees by up to 40%
  • 27%

    Increase in the number of errors by 27%
  • 23 min.

    Regaining your attention after being distracted at work may take up to 23 minutes

To reduce the noise, especially in the office, you should first define its sources and choose proper solutions to counteract and eliminate it effectively.

In an office we’re faced with many irritating distractors:

  • People overhearing someone else’s private conversations

  • People holding conversations

  • Phone conversations

  • Phone ringers

  • Office equipment

  • Sounds of installations

* Source: Jensen, K., & Arens, E. Acoustical quality in office workstations, as assessed by occupant surveys. UC Berkeley: Center for the Built Environment. Retrieved from, 2005.
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Office noise causes several issues: tiredness...
Office noise causes several issues: stress...
Office noise causes several issues: distraction...
Office noise causes several issues: headache...
Office noise causes several issues: communication disorders...
Office noise causes several issues: decline in job satisfaction...

The acoustics of a space is affected by how the sound travels. Sound waves undergo the following phenomena:

  • Reflection
  • Absorption
  • Diffusion
  • Transmission
Sounds in the office undergo all of the above, which ultimately shapes the office acoustics.
Relevant measurements, accurate analysis and simulations help define the acoustic properties of a space. That’s how our qualified specialists can figure out what a specific space needs and how it can be properly adapted. Based on this information, relevant sound-absorbing solutions can be proposed to boost acoustic comfort in a specific space. Our experts will tell you how many such elements you need, where to place them and what's the desired absorption characteristics. What could be the sound of your office? Check it out!

Listen to our auralizations – sounds generated based on the acoustic simulation of a specific space. This is a virtual playback, which can help you notice the difference between an office with acoustic adaptation and one without.
Auralization – open space
The purpose of acoustic treatment in an open-space office is to boost the feeling of privacy and reduce the propagation of speech.
Auralization – conference room
In a conference room, the acoustic treament is designed to reduce the reverberation time and make speech more intelligible.

Benefits of proper office acoustics:

  • Focus 
  • Distraction
  • Short-term memory 
  • Physical symptoms of stress 

Our projects

Acoustic comfort is derived from the complex acoustic treatment, which combines a variety of product groups. The sound-absorbing properties of our products are corroborated by tests conducted in attested labs. Thanks to such products and a thorough acoustic analysis of a workspace, we can choose the right solution to suit your needs.

Our products

Wall panels, thanks to their sound-absorbing properties, reduce sound reflections from walls. This helps to decrease noise, shorten reverberation time in the room, and prevent the unpleasant phenomenon of "flutter echo".
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A ceiling is a significant element that impacts the acoustics, especially in an open-space office. If you can’t or don’t want to cover the entire ceiling with sound-absorbing material, ceiling islands will be an excellent option. Vertical suspended panels will separate the space and stop some of the sound waves.
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Acoustic walls create a barrier for the travelling sound. They have good sound-absorbing properties.

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Desk panels reduce the noise from the person sitting behind the desk as well as the noise that reaches the workstation from the outside.

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Apart from traditional panels, you can also use Formo curtains, corner panels and a variety of tested sound-absorbing solutions to improve the acoustics of your workspace.
Download acoustic card
8 myths about acoustics. How to design well what you can't see?
In "8 myths about acoustics", we describe popular beliefs that have grown up around acoustic topics and which are not necessarily correct. In this publication, we debunk myths that may lead to inappropriate acoustic adaptation decisions.
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Read on to find out more

  • A Word About Acoustics Part 1: Sounds around us
  • A Word About Acoustics Part 2: Sound as a wave
  • A Word About Acoustics Part 3: Propagation of sound in a closed space