FSC® Forest Week 2024

  • 21-27.09.2024 – Forest Week FSC® Small steps together create big change for all

Sustainable forest management ensures that forests are managed in a way that protects biodiversity and benefits the local community, while remaining economically viable. Forests not only provide a natural and versatile resource for economic purposes, but also filter the air, purify water, and prevent soil erosion, while providing a home for many species of plants and animals. The trees themselves, which are excellent at storing CO2, contribute to combating climate change. 

As part of the “FSC® Forest Week” we would like to invite you to learn more about the woods and find out how we help protect them with the FSC® (FSC–C120977) certification.
How does our company take care of the forests?

Our mission is to use the wood resources used in our production activities responsibly and to treat ecological rationales on an equal footing with social and economic ones. We are concerned about the rational use of wood raw materials, and therefore we introduce investments and technological solutions to optimise the use of wood and wood-based materials. 

The materials we use comply with EUTR Regulation 995/2010, the main provisions of which relate to combating the illegal harvesting of wood raw material. An increasing proportion of the wood and wood-based materials we purchase come from sustainably managed forests, which are FSC® or PEFC certified. Since 2009, we have been supporting sustainable forest management as a certified company in the FSC® supply chain.

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is an international non-profit organisation for environmental protection, an association of forest land owners, social organisations and companies operating in the wood and paper processing industry. The organisation supports environment-friendly, socially beneficial and economically profitable management of global forest resources to maintain a balance between protecting the forest – its lifetime and biodiversity - and the demand of the present and future generations for wood.
Main underlying principles behind FSC®:

•    No deforestation – although you do fell down trees, forest area is not reduced over time.
•    Environmental protection –  FSC® standards require maintaining biodiversity and protecting valuable areas.
•    Respecting the rights of indigenous and local communities  - managing forests contributes to the lasting social and economic wellbeing of a specific society and forest workers.
•    Fair and safe working environment

FSC® principles must be followed at every stage of obtaining and processing the raw material – it all starts with controlling the forest plantations, manufacturing finished goods, packaging, distribution and sales. The reasoning behind the FSC certification system is that each link in this chain, each entity that assumes ownership of certified products, must have its own FSC CoC, and be regularly audited by third-party bodies. 
Benefits of obtaining the FSC® certificate

As part of the FSC® system, we impact the achievement of the UN Sustainability Goals and ensure compliance with the procurement policy in the public and private sector, which defines the materials from sustainable sources.

Nowy Styl offers a wide range of FSC®-certified products made of wood. Our products labelled with the FSC® logo include e.g.: Lupino, Njord, Embla or Creva. 

The FSC® certificate guarantees that products are made of wood from a sustainable source, which was subject to inspection regarding its management and distribution.
The FSC® Forest Week

FSC collaborates with certified entities, such as Nowy Styl, to highlight the significance of sustainable forest management and the important link between climate and woods. The collaboration is manifested for example during the annual seven-day event known as the FSC® Forest Week. 

This year it takes place between 21 and 27 September 2024. As we prepare for this week, we would like to invite all our employees and partners to join in by:
•    expanding their knowledge of FSC®, 
•    understanding the benefits of sustainable forest management, which elevates and improves environmental protection, protects biodiversity and climate change, and helps prevent adverse consequences of the latter,
•    observing product labels – it is possible to find a balance between obtaining wood and protecting the environment and it’s up to us!

Together, we need to take small steps that will have a big impact on future generations.