Nowy Styl aims to achieve zero emissions by 2050

  • Nowy Styl aims to achieve zero emissions by 2050

Sustainability Report – ecodesign, circular economy, reducing CO2 emissions 

Nowy Styl – a leader in comprehensive furniture solutions for offices and public spaces – has published a Sustainability Report and declared the company’s goals for 2025. These include reducing the carbon footprint by 50% to achieve zero emissions in the long term by 2050. The company will also continue to invest in technological and infrastructure solutions to improve energy efficiency and will increase the share of renewable energy in its energy mix. Already in 2025 a green energy package will account for 100% of the energy consumed by the company. Moreover, Nowy Styl will join the international FSC® Forest Week campaign to promote the protection of biodiversity, implement a global project to eliminate plastic tape, replacing it with paper tape, continue its efforts to reduce packaging in internal and external transport of products, and increase the share of recycled materials in products.
The Sustainability Report document was prepared in accordance with the standards of the 2021 Global Reporting Initiative and independently verified by KPMG Advisory.

At the end of 2024, we had approximately 3,500 people working in our factories and offices in 11 countries. We have learned to respond to diverse needs and adapt to local conditions. We deliver products and solutions offered by Nowy Styl to over 70 countries through our companies, branches and sales departments. Our achievements in the last twenty five years are best summed up by the fact that we hold a leading position in the business of comprehensive office and public space arrangement for stadiums, halls, cinemas, theatres, passenger terminals, medical care facilities and hotels. 
Rafał Chwast
Vice President of the Management Board for Nowy Styl and President of the Management Board for Nowy Styl International

To increase the share of energy from renewable sources and thus reduce CO2 emissions in Scope 2, steps have been taken to build a photovoltaic farm in Jasło. Having obtained the environmental decisions, Nowy Styl is now in the process of obtaining a building permit. The farm’s expected power is about 7 MWh.

“We believe that it is our highest duty towards people and the planet, as well as a prerequisite of long-term success to incorporate the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and the fight against corruption into our organisation’s strategies, policies and procedures” said Bartosz Karasiński, Marketing Director and Member of the Extended Management Board for Nowy Styl.
Nowy Styl’s Sustainability Report includes information on activities consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular: 

    Goal 3: Good health and well-being
    Goal 4: Quality education
    Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
    Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
    Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
    Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
    Goal 13: Climate action

In its activities for sustainable development Nowy Styl aims for the following:

1.    Economic impact
    Creating jobs
    Working with local suppliers
    Employee compensation and benefits
    Taxes that help national and regional economies grow
    Sponsoring - culture, sports, design industry and modern business services

2. Social Impact
    Health and safety – educating about workstations that support the physical and mental health of employees; Occupational Health & Safety activities and building a safe work culture
    Creating Jobs: OSH Measures and Building a Safe Work Culture
    Creating ergonomic products that improve work comfort
    Wellbeing - better quality of life and well-being thanks to ergonomic and effective workplaces
    Talent development - training and development programmes for employees, cooperation with universities, internship programmes and dissertations; scholarships for talented young people
    Social commitment - support for culture, sports, healthcare and groups at risk of social exclusion

3. Environmental impact
    Extending the life cycle of products
    Transitioning to a circular economy
    Reducing CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions
    Reducing the emissions of harmful substances
    Reducing the generation of waste and recycling
    Reducing energy and water consumption
    Reducing material consumption (wood, leather, wool, steel and plastics)

Nowy Styl develops and implements documents aimed at implementing the principles of Sustainable Development, e.g. the Code of Ethics, Quality and Environment Policy, Human Rights Policy and the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Implementing circular economy business models
Nowy Styl has implemented an ecodesign system based on the ISO 14006 standard. This means having parameterised product requirements in place at all levels across the entire product lifecycle. This approach allows us to implement circular economy  products, processes and business models. 

Nowy Styl is working to develop a business model based on a circular economy. The company is gradually developing new services to allow companies to manage their office equipment more sustainably. In these efforts, it is guided by the six loops of circularity model.

Today, Nowy Styl is increasingly engaged in projects that involve not only delivering new products, but also reusing those already found on site. An example of this approach is the Municipal Stadium in Rybnik where the Forum by Nowy Styl brand is going to dismantle old plastic stadium seats and have them ground into granulate, which will then be reused to make new plastic products. The polypropylene from which both the old and new seats are made is 100% renewable, and can be reused for many years, in various forms. In this way, the company is currently working to deliver 6,000 new Omega seats made from a recycled material.

Pilot project for the Dutch government (in cooperation with Alvero):
    Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management / Rijkswaterstaat (RWS): Rotterdam Project: renovation of 300 workstations, including chairs, desks and conference furniture.
    Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management / Rijkswaterstaat (RWS): 24/7 chairs - 600 chairs checked, cleaned or, where necessary, repaired to extend their life.
    Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB): renovation of furniture in conference rooms.
    Ministry of Internal Affairs – refurbishment of 200 conference chairs.
    Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management / Rijkswaterstaat (RWS): the Haarlem project - renovation of all conference furniture.
Nowy Styl has its own Wood Processing Plant based in Rzepedź, Poland. The wood used by Nowy Styl complies with Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 (EUTR) which focuses on combating illegal extraction of timber. In 2023, 65% of the raw wood used by the company came from sustainably managed forests holding FSC® or PEFC certification. Being part of the FSC® system, the company contributes to a more effective implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ensures compliance with the public and private sector procurement policy that specifically identifies materials from responsible sources.

Nowy Styl is constantly developing the portfolio of finishes it uses, expanding the share of fabrics from recycled or renewable sources. The company offers a wide range of polyester fabrics, 97%-100% of which are made from post-consumer polyester. The material is made from plastic PET bottles whose recycling generates less CO2 emissions than the production of virgin polyester fibres and eliminates the need to purchase new raw materials. What is more, such fabrics can be recycled again when their useful life comes to an end. Our portfolio also includes a wide selection of wool fabrics. As a raw material, wool comes from nature and is quickly renewable. It is characterized by a high durability and a long life cycle, and it can be recycled at the end of its useful life. Converting wool into a usable textile fibre requires the lowest energy input out of all major fibre groups.