
  • We act responsibly

We know that our development affects the environment, our employees and the local community. It also affects our customers. That is why we strive every day to remain an environment-friendly company that helps preserve a healthy, beautiful planet for future generations.

Sustainable development

Let’s make your space sustainably


— We implement 8 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

— We won the EcoVadis Platinum Medal for our CSR practises in the areas of the environment, social, ethics and supply chain. Such a certificate is held by 1% of the highest rated companies.

— We undertake many actions to neutralise our impact on the environment, for instance, in the last 4 years we have reduced our CO2 emissions by 36%.

— We care about the safety and growth of our employees.

— We support the education of children and youth, we popularise culture and sport.

We act with the environment in mind

We all work in accordance with the certified Integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management System. We try to respond to the challenges of the circular economy and implement products with the longest possible life cycle.

— We have products whose parts can be reused in up to 96%.

— As part of a project for the Dutch government, we repair chairs, including models that were delivered up to 15 years ago. Their plastic elements, which are not suitable for further use, are converted into regranulate, closing the cycle of the circular economy.

— The panels in the modular system of our Tepee product are made of pressed felt, which is a completely recycled material. From 22 ground plastic PET bottles, 1 m2 of this fabric is made.
  • We prepare EPD cards (Environmental Product Declaration) for our most important products.

  • We use materials certified according to EU Ecolabel, Oeko-Tex® and FSC® standards. Ask about FSC® certified products.

  • 100% of our suppliers are verified from an environmental and social point of view.

  • We reduced the amount of exhaust gases and increased the cargo capacity of the fleet by 63% by means of the double deck solution.

Sustainability Development Report
The latest edition of the “Make your space responsible” report for 2020-2021 presents the accomplishment of further ambitious objectives and commitments during a difficult period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the global crisis, Nowy Styl has achieved more than 90% of its predefined goals related to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Explore our report and see how far we have come. Enjoy the read!
Also discover our Sustainability Report of Nowy Styl Deutschland GmbH with environmental statement and data from 2023
Supporting diversity
We have signed the Diversity Charter, an international initiative for promoting equal treatment and diversity at work, coordinated by Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu. The Charter has signatories in 26 EU countries.

Signing the Diversity Charter means the whole organization, including its employees as well as social and business partners, is ready to counteract any discrimination at work in order to promote and create diversity. Organisations that decide to implement the programme foster social equality and coherence.

Joining this initiative confirms that diversity and human rights are integral elements of the organizational culture.

We create a good workplace

We understand that the key to further development of the company is health and the integration of our team. Therefore, we try to create the best possible conditions for work and mutual communication for our employees.

— Each of our employees participates in an adaptation or onboarding program.

— We organize numerous soft and hard skills trainings.

— We care about safety in our factories and plants.

— Almost 100% of our staff works locally in accordance with the motto "think globally, act locally".

We support local development

Education of children and youth, support for culture, and popularisation of sport – these are the main areas of our commitment to helping the local communities in which our offices and factories operate.

— Since 2001, we have been supporting talented children from Podkarpackie Region in the Foundation of Janusz Korczak, founded by Adam and Jerzy Krzanowski.

— We have been organising Nowy Styl Charity Balls for many years.

— We help local clubs and sports teams in the Podkarpackie and Małopolskie regions.

— We support the Young Arts Festival in Krosno.

"Wherever a stork nests, good things will happen..."

It is no coincidence that a stork's nest appeared many years ago on the disused chimney of the Nowy Styl wood plant in Rzepedź. In 2017, we decided to install a camera over it. Since then, it has become an attraction not only for the local community, but also for many employees of Nowy Styl in all locations at home and abroad, who, while watching the storks, can relax by "participating" in the life of this majestic pair and the chicks that appear almost every year. 
Live camera


Let's make your space together

Build your new space with a socially responsible company