Code Of Ethics Nowy Styl

Nowy Styl Code of Ethics In building our relations inside and outside the company and in shaping our develop- ment we always aim to rely on the following values: Nowy Styl mission statement With great passion and respect for the natural environment, we help people arrange offices and other public spaces. We make sure they respond to people’s needs concerning health and comfort, increase job satisfaction and efficiency, and fulfil individual requirements regarding ergonomics and aesthetics. We want them to serve people as best they can. Ambition  — our company is made up of ambitious and young- at-heart people who are constantly improving the way they work and looking for new solutions to achieve even better results. Humility  — appreciating other companies’ experience and knowledge, we are constantly learning and improving our competences. We are able to admit to our mistakes and learn from them. At the same time, we are proud of what we have already achieved. Honesty  — by observing the law and our company’s internal rules, as well as keeping our business promises, we maintain good relationships with people. We are of the opinion that ethical standards and decency are equally binding in business and in private. Tolerance  — we consider the cultural diversity in our company and the environment as great treasures. We treat each other with respect and strive for mutual understanding. Nowy  Styl values 7 6 Table of contents